FFL89 Super Bowl rules. starting in 2016 (FFL89)
Lineup note: A submitted lineup can not be viewed by other owners until after the kickoff of the players game of the week and only the players who have or are playing in the game/s.
League ID for 2023 Super Bowl: How to find league ID ? :Email or call league secretary for League ID,
Players and Lineups/Roster: FanDuel/DraftKings type of lineups. The players used will be from the teams playing in the playoffs from the Wild Card game to the Super Bowl. Most total points will determine the winners, the first three teams by total points scored will be paid out. Weekly lineups, 11 players total, will consist of: 1 QB, 2 RB's, 3 WR's, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 Def, 1 ST and 1 flex player (RB,WR or TE). Defense and Special teams can be split. You start 11 players each week. All week 11 starting players should be playing in week 18 of the playoff games. No player dollar values will be used as in Fan Duel or double points for players in a lineup for consecutive weeks as in the NFL. Also no set amount of lineup changes as with CBS. A lineup is good tor the week. Once the players game has started, no changes can be made until the following week. This will be close to the daily games only it's weekly in our league. For 2022 - Lineups are due by the players game time. Players are blocked and hidden until players game time. Starting lineups are hidden from other owners until kickoff of each individual players game.
Lineups due by and how to submit: Lineups will be submitted on the MFL site or FFL89 site (Super Bowl page). They can also be submitted to the SB Coordinator by email, text message or on MyFantasyLeague.com The MFL (owner input) should be the first choices. The lineup form can be sent by computer or cell phone. Once the lineup form is submitted, you will receive a confirmation from IPage & FFL89 that it was successfully sent. Last is email the SB coordinator. The latest legal lineup, time stamped, will be used if more than 1 is submitted. (per the IPage time stamp). Lineups will be shown as received on the web site, FFL89 page (FFL89 Home page). Each week a lineup should be submitted. Super Bowl - No longer will lineups carry over as the regular season, with players still in the playoffs. Teams must put a lineup in or be marked as "No lineup submitted".(2020) Late or no lineup in week 1 will score zero points. Incorrect lineups will score 0 points. The league can not override the lineup deadline rule. For 2022 - Lineups are due by the players game time. Players are blocked and hidden until players game time. Starting lineups are hidden from other owners until kickoff of each individual players game.
Lineup submisson:
1. MyFantasyLeague.com owner input
2. Lineup form
3. email / text SB co-ordinator (do not send the lineup to anyone else in the league. Only the coordinator. Anyone else it will not count) (Rick)
Lineup penalties: Lineups must be submitted by each owner, each week. No lineup will score zero points. Late or illegal lineups will score 0 points for the week. Lineups will no longer carryover week to week. (2020)
Scoring and standings: Scoring will be the same as the regular season. Stats will be posted in the Super Bowl site on MFL site and FFL89.com. The site will have lineups, player scoring and standings. All weeks, 18-21 will be on the sites. Point totals will become official Thursday, 12pm
Point Protest: Any protest or questions should be submitted before the following Thursday, by 12pm. After this time they will become official and can not be changes without league approval. (rules committee). Point scoring will be based on the regular season setup. Money will be paid out as listed (top 3 teams), in the rule book.
Super Bowl Coordinator: Will be a member of the officers, elected the same as the rest of the officers. Handle all the Super Bowl setup on MFL site for, rosters, scoring and post scores on the internet. Penalties are easy. Illegal or no lineuo submitted scores 0 points.. Lineuos will be submitted each week. No lineup carryover week to week. If lineups are incorrect or late lineup, 0 points each week if lineup mistakes are made.